Viltu stærri og þrýstnari brjóst án skurðaðgerðar.Þá er þetta krem málið. Þú einfaldlega berð kremið á brjóstin og nuddar því með hringhreifingum inn í brjóstið í 3-5 mínútur alla daga(ekki bera á geirvörturnar sjálfar). Eftir nokkrar vikur verður sjáanlegur árangur
A Natural Alternative…
For a fuller, firmer, more youthful bustline, hormonal balance is the first step every woman should take. Unknown to many women, hormone imbalances actually inhibit bust development, as well as compound problems associated withaging and menopause. Daily use of, with a regimen of a healthful diet, exercise, and increased calcium, can give many women measurable results. Simply apply a small amount of cream (enough to massage into the entire breast)and massage using a circular motion, focusing on the outer and bottom areas, for 3-5 minutes until fully absorbed (avoiding the nipples*). With MAXEnhance®, you could see noticeable results injust a few weeks!